A Spatio-Temporal Assessment Of Land use Land Cover Change on Agriculture Productivity in Punjab, Pakistan
Land Cover change, Crop yield estimation, Earth Engine, Agricultural productivityAbstract
Introduction/Importance of Study: The agricultural sector is crucial to the development of any nation, particularly where food security is a concern. In Punjab province, urban settlements are increasingly encroaching on established agricultural lands, posing a significant threat to agriculture in the region. This issue is compounded by the continuous urban expansion and encroachment on fertile lands. The primary aim of this study is to assess the impact of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) changes on agricultural productivity in Punjab. Utilizing the Earth Engine, this research performs LULC classification and estimates wheat crop yields in the province.
Novelty Statement: This study presents an innovative application of Earth Engine analytics to monitor and analyze the effects of LULC changes on agricultural productivity in Punjab province.
Material and Method: The research employs 20 years of Land Use and Land Cover data from the MODIS dataset, accessed via Google Earth Engine (GEE). In addition, wheat crop production is estimated using the capabilities of GEE.
Result and Discussion: The findings indicate a substantial shift in land cover in Punjab, which has significantly affected wheat crop production. The study emphasizes the importance of public awareness campaigns and the adoption of advanced agricultural technologies. Continuous monitoring of LULC changes using GEE can enable timely interventions to mitigate negative impacts.
Concluding Remarks: By integrating urban growth management strategies with the preservation of agricultural lands, long-term agricultural sustainability and development can be achieved. This research highlights the urgent need for comprehensive policies and collaborative efforts to counteract the adverse effects of urban expansion on agricultural productivity.
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