Energy-Based Cluster Head Selection in WSN


  • Satesh Kumar Department of Telecommunications (Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, PAKISTAN)
  • Fahim Aziz Umrani Department of Telecommunications (Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, PAKISTAN)
  • Kehkashan Asma Memon Department of Software Engineering (Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, PAKISTAN)
  • Muhammad Shehram Shah Department of Software Engineering (Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, PAKISTAN)


Energy Consumption, Clustering; Routing, AODV


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are the collection of sensor nodes, deployed in an ad hoc fashion and mostly powered by batteries. Therefore, efficient energy utilization has remained a vital parameter in designing and developing of WSNs to extend the network lifetime. In any network, routing protocols operate for selecting routes for the transfer of data packets from source to destination. Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) is a routing protocol used in various wireless ad hoc networks for transmitting data from source node to destination through intermediate motes. Hence, the efficient path selection mechanism can significantly improve energy utilization and elongate the lifetime of the network. This paper provides an investigation using the AODV routing protocol, based on the Cluster Head (CH) selection mechanism and shortest path selection between a source node, CH, and sink using multi-hop communication. The proposed scenarios significantly reduce energy consumption by selecting the shortest path between the source, cluster head, and sink. The Matlab simulation results show the comparison between AODV and Cluster head-based AODV (CH-AODV), indicating the CH-AODV consumes much less energy compared to normal AODV protocol.


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How to Cite

Kumar, S., Umrani, F. A., Memon, K. A., & Shah, M. S. (2024). Energy-Based Cluster Head Selection in WSN. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 6(3), 996–1008. Retrieved from