Blind Image Deblurring Using Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) Based Image Prior
Blind Image Deblurring (BID), Blind Deconvolution, Maximum posterior (MAP), Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)Abstract
Blind image deconvolution, a technique for obtaining restored image as well as the blur kernel from an inexact image. This research uses spatial characteristics to tackle the problem of blind image deconvolution. To work, the proposed method does not necessitate prior information about the blur kernel. Many applications, such as remote sensing, astronomy, and medical X-ray imaging, necessitate blind image deconvolution algorithms. This study used the maximum a posteriori (MAP) paradigm to create a new blind deblurring approach for removing blur from images. In beginning, we employed a Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)-based image before regularising the gradients of an image. In the second phase, we used an operator known as the Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA) to cope with the non-convex challenge that develops during the entire deblurring procedure. Finally, we compared our method to several well-known methods in terms of quantitative and qualitative qualities, and we were able to determine which strategy was the most effective. Our findings show that the strategy we propose outperforms the others by a large margin.
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