Prospects of Biosynthetically produced Nanoparticles in Biocontrol of Pests and Phytopathogens: A review
Prospects of Biosynthetically produced Nanoparticles in Biocontrol of Pests and Phytopathogens
Biocontrol, Biosynthesized Nanoparticles, Photosynthesis, Microbial synthesis, Green Technology, Pests, Phytopathogens, Larvicidal, OvicidalAbstract
Modern nanotechnology is playing a vital role in our daily life by contributing in different domains such as usage of nanoparticles for target-specific drug delivery system, as these nanoparticle are being used as scratch proof coating on glass for tracking of biomolecules. Some emerging applications of nanoparticles include usage of nanoparticles for diagnostic purposes such as biomedical imaging and as green technology producing nano pesticides. The use of endophytic or plant beneficial bacteria for the production of metallic nanoparticles have shown promising results in not only controlling the pest but also contributing in enhanced developmental growth due to their small size, target specificity, and enhanced interaction with the plant in controlled environment. As for increasing environmental crisis, use of biological methods to remediate the environment is becoming a necessity. Green technology based nano-materials being used now a days in multiple fields, especially in bio-control of pests. This review is based on the microbial synthesized metallic nanoparticles, which are being used as nano pesticides (nanoparticles are pesticides).
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