Evaluation of Microbial Contamination via Wastewater Collected from Different Oil Industries and its Treatment Using Various Coagulants
Wastewater treatment, natural coagulants, chemical coagulants, water pollutionAbstract
Wastewater from industrial discharged into other water bodies that pose serious risks to human health as well as the environment. The oil and ghee industries are also the main contributors to water pollution along with various other industries. The present study aimed to evaluate microbial load in waste water of oil industries in Lahore and its treatment using chemical and natural coagulants. Water samples were collected from three selected oil and ghee industries in Lahore. Physicochemical properties (Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Biological oxygen demand (BOD), and turbidity) and microbial contamination of water samples were analyzed before and after treatment. It was observed that samples treated with natural coagulants such as orange and banana peel, and date seeds showed a mild reduction in physicochemical parameters. Orange and banana peel coagulants caused a 30% reduction, while date seeds coagulants caused a 60% reduction in physicochemical parameters. A significant decrease in microbial load was noticed by using natural coagulants. However, for the chemical coagulants, it was observed that ferric chloride with alum and Ca+2 cation with bleaching powder caused an extreme reduction in physicochemical indicators and microbial load. While no significant decrease was observed in physicochemical indicators and microbial load when waste water samples were treated with Poly Aluminum chloride (PAC) and alum. It was concluded that chemical coagulants have a better ability to treat waste water as compared to natural coagulants.
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