Potential Challenges and Solutions for Implementing NOMA in Smart Grid
Smart Grid (SG), Smart Meter (SM) , Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), Power Division Multiple Access (PDMA), Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC)Abstract
Efficient two-way communication is crucial for Smart Grid (SG) networks, enabling real-time monitoring, data collection, and control. This study introduces the novel integration of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) into SG systems to enhance spectral efficiency and support numerous smart devices, addressing the limitations of traditional communication methods. A comprehensive survey of existing wired and wireless communication technologies was conducted, followed by the implementation of a NOMA scheme tailored for SG environments. Results demonstrate that NOMA significantly improves spectral efficiency, enables access to a large number of smart meters, and enhances the system's resilience to electromagnetic interference. Additionally, the study addresses challenges such as impulse noise, optimizing spectral and energy efficiency tradeoffs, and power consumption in interference cancellation. These findings underscore the potential of NOMA to revolutionize SG communication infrastructure. Conclusively, integrating NOMA in SG networks offers a robust solution for future smart grid communication needs.
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