A Conceptual Framework for Reducing Requirement Engineering Challenges in Industrial-Scale Software Projects
Software Development, Malicious Software Factors, Requirements, challengesAbstract
Introduction/Importance of Study: Industrial-scale software development tends to create more business value and effective strategic capabilities in software industries. IT organizations are spending about 50% of the budget on software development to build faster software programs at minimal cost to achieve success in industrial-scale projects. The crucial part of developing industrial-scale software is deciding ‘what is intended to be built’. If the problem is not tackled properly, this can result in serious errors that impact the entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and make it difficult and costly to repair in later stages. Similarly, challenges in industrial-scale development related to Requirements are complex including Requirement scope, elicitation, specification, validation, and management. The Requirement engineering challenges become bigger and harder to overcome in industrial-scale projects due to time and cost factors. The money spent on Requirement change may affect the overall development time of the project. The complexity of industrial-scale projects does not increase linearly, thus, impacting the development process.
Novelty Statement: Therefore, the need to address challenges in large IT projects comes with the reason of their economic value in local and international markets. Researchers have come up with the identification of challenges, but their studies lack the overall Requirement engineering process. There is a need to design a comprehensive solution to overcome the Requirement engineering challenges that contribute to project failure.
Material and Method: Therefore, the research is divided into three phases: “The Identification Phase”, where the project challenges would be identified; “The Implementation Phase”, where these factors would be shortlisted to design a framework; and “The Validation Phase”, in which validation of the framework would be done using triangulation technique.
Result and Discussion: The outcomes will focus on facilitating the software development industry for addressing the Requirement of engineering challenges in industrial-scale projects to reduce the chances of failure.
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