Evolving Security Landscape of the Internet of Things: Assessing Advantages and Challenges
Internet of Things, Network Security, Confidentiality, AuthenticationAbstract
In light of the widespread integration of the Internet of Things (IoT), it is crucial for organizations to prioritize their attention towards establishing resilient system security. The presence of any vulnerability within a system has the potential to result in system failure or a cyberattack, hence causing significant repercussions on a wide scale. This encompasses a set of measures and protocols designed to safeguard against cyber threats that especially exploit vulnerabilities in physically interconnected IoT devices. The security teams responsible for managing IoT security are currently facing a range of challenges, including but not limited to inventory management, operational complexities, variety in IoT devices, ownership concerns, increasing data volumes, and emerging threats. This review provides a critical analysis of the existing body of research pertaining to the subject of security in the context of the IoT. The focus is mostly on the present state of affairs, practical implementations, and the issues that are associated with this domain. Moreover, it delves into the prospective prospects and opportunities that are anticipated in this particular domain. Lately, there has been a noticeable surge in interest among scholars hailing from diverse academic disciplines and geographical locations, all focusing on the improvement of internet network security. The assurance of data integrity, confidentiality, authentication, and authorization is imperative in light of the substantial volume of data that traverses network devices. Nevertheless, the field of IoT security exhibits significant potential for further development. The IoT has become a popular technology paradigm that facilitates the integration of diverse objects and systems. Yet, the extensive use of the IoT has generated apprehensions regarding security, specifically pertaining to the safeguarding of data and the integrity of networks.
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