Appraisal of a Running Glacier of Pakistan in Context of Geological Perspectives
Out bursts susceptibility, glacial lake; Digital Elevation model, GLOF, Hunza River BasinAbstract
Shishper glacier is surge type glacier which gave rise to Glacier Lake Outbursts Flood (GLOF) and an ice dammed lake. The probability of GLOF events has been increased in Pakistan’s mountain system due to increased temperature and irregular glacial fluctuations in northern region of Pakistan. The average rise of temperature in Pakistan is 1.04 ?C from the year 1960 to 2014. Rising temperature is initiating the recession of glaciers over the last decade which is indicating towards the evolution of glacial lakes in Basin of Hunza River. The Shishper glacier has travelled 800m during six months and about 1400m in the next six months in the year 2018. Shishper glacier has created a danger to fault lines and infrastructure of downstream of Hassanabad valley situated just below the hill. It travelled about 2.2km during 12 months. Temporal satellite imagery was used to evaluate susceptibility of GLOF events. Digital Elevation model was used to evaluate drainage patterns of Shishper glacier. Geological maps evaluated the geo-refred fault lines in the mountainous regions of Pakistan.
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