Rock Fall Hazard and Risk Assessment using GIS Along Jaglot-Skardu Road, Pakistan
GIS, Karakoram Highway (KKH), Remote Sensing, Susceptibility, Rock fall inventoryAbstract
Rockfall is one of the major hazards all around the world. In Northern Pakistan, Jaglot-Skardu. The road is the main highway that connects KKH and Skardu, located in Gilgit Baltistan. The Area is very unique to study rock falls because of the variety of changes in the geological, seismological, and atmospheric conditions. The hazard and risk mapping of rock falls includes preparation of rock fall inventory map, susceptibility map and spatial analysis of Rock fall with its conditioning factors using GIS and Remote Sensing. The inventory map includes record of past rock falls along the road and prepared on hill shade map of the area using ArcGIS 10.4. Susceptibility maps of the area is generated using Weighted overlay technique. In Weighted overlay technique we use multi influencing factors of the rock falls as such as aspect, geology, slope, elevation, faults, curvature, Topographic wetness index, streams and road. Each map unit is than reclassified and assigned weight in weighted overlay to generate susceptibility map of area. In inventory map, almost 200 rock falls are marked and delineated on hill shade map of the area. The results of susceptibility show four zones i.e., low, moderate, high and very high hazard zones.The spatial analysis of rock falls showed that fault and geology is the main factor that are triggering the rock falls in the area. The areas which are present low and moderate susceptible zones are somehow safe and suitable for future planning and development and areas present in high to very high susceptible zones, large scale geotechnical investigations are required before any development and construction.
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