A Sustainable Growth Meta-Mask Consulting Application for Agriculture Sector Using Ethereum and Blockchain Technology
Ethereum, MetaMask, Blockchain, ChatGPT, MetaVerseAbstract
Pakistan's economy depends heavily on the agricultural sector, yet a large number of farmers encounter financial constrains, including debt, loan repayment, a lack of loan security, and crowdfunding scams, which are the primary reasons for converting their lands into real estate. Crowdfunding for agriculture on the blockchain will cut out the middlemen and connect customers and producers directly. Blockchain technology provides a way to share a database or ledger that will guarantee an unalterable and consistent version of the truth even amongst untrustworthy players. Therefore, this study establishes a peer-to-peer network and a marketplace where community members can fund agricultural endeavors in exchange for food items. The novelty of this research is that the blockchain-based crowdfunding system for agriculture that enable investors to connect with farmers consistently and directly. The methodology includes the integration of AI-powered consultation tool, like ChatGPT into a web application to increase its efficacy. With the use of this instrument, enables farmers to solve issues pertaining to saline lands and obtain information regarding land productivity. This tool provides farmers quick, accurate, and easily available information to assist them in making better decisions. Therefore, this research aims to provide a comprehensive approach to aid impoverished farmers, encourage agricultural expansion, and ensure equitable profit sharing among all parties involved. Through the integration of blockchain technology, cooperative investment, and AI-powered consulting, this study aims to promote the agriculture sector's sustainable growth.
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