Hazardous Effluents and their Impacts on Human Health: Future of Industrial Boom
Industries, GIS, hazards, human health, urbanization.Abstract
Industries, being commercial productive units perform as manufacturing agents to produce large quantity of goods to cater the needs of increasing population. Manufacturing units use raw material and goods to deliver the final product. The findings of this research are consistent and reliable. The study area mainly consists of three types of industries including iron and steel, chemical and fertilizer and plastic industry. The hazardous waste generated by industries in Pakistan was computed as 1 lac tons per day and more than 10 thousand tons/day in Lahore. These wastes played a vital role in the degradation of environment. In addition, various harmful gases such as fluoride, carbon monoxide and dust were released by these industries which mixed with fog and caused smog that resulted in respiratory diseases and the Lahore remained in smog for last 3 years. The air quality declined to alarming level because of the dust produced by these industries. Air pollution leads to skin problems, and respiratory diseases among residents living in outskirts of these industries. In this research it is estimated that industrial emission is more dangerous than any other emissions. From the year 2008 to 2019 the harmful emissions were categorized as 43% by transport sector, 25% by industries, 20% by agricultural sector and 22% by power sector. Proper planning and management is required to secure the safety of environment from the adverse effects of industries.
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