Detecting Aphid Concentration in Wheat Leaf Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Aphid; Conventional Agricultural method; Moistourizing agent; Agro-climatic condition.Abstract
Wheat lies among the most prominent cereal crop of Pakistan which has a significant role in the stability of Pakistan’s economy. Certain biotic and a biotic factors including agro-climatic conditions, rainfall, lack of irrigation infrastructure and conventional agricultural methods are raising the risk of aphid attacks. The current study utilized satellite imagery for obtaining thermal datasets of complete wheat growth. Results revealed that rainfall is a significant parameter for the determination of aphid growth on wheat plant. A region receiving 0-10 mm rainfall, supported the growth of aphid. Moreover, the aphid survival was highly supported at a moderate temperature ranging between 20-25 oC with relative humidity ranging from 70-75 %. The study also revealed the production of weed in wheat crop acted as a moistrizing agent which consequently provided favorable conditions to the aphid population for growth. Inapropriate usage of fertilizers increased the nitrogen content in soil which turned to be favourable for the aphid attack. Thus, the study concludes that agro-climatic conditions must be considered before the aplication of pesticides.
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