Remote Sensing Assessment of Small Dam Sites in Swat District, Pakistan: Inferences from Water Resource Scenarios


  • Sumaira Kausar Institute of Geography, University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Saira Batool Centre for Integrated Mountain Research
  • Syed Amer Mahmood Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Faiza Sarwar Institute of Geography, University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Zainab Tahir Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore
  • Samreen Javed Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
  • S M Hassan Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan


Site selection, Dam, RS/GIS, EAC , Swat Pakistan


In a world where water is indispensable, Pakistan grapples with the challenge of ensuring its availability. Freshwater demand from domestic, industrial, and agricultural uses has strained the country's reservoirs.  Financial and political barriers have hindered the construction of large dams, making it imperative to seek alternative solutions. However, small dams have the potential to address Pakistan's water security concerns. This study uses advanced technology, engineering expertise, socioeconomic factors, and environmental awareness to find multi-purpose small dam sites in Swat District, Pakistan. Water storage and community and economic development are goals. This study examines criteria using RS and GIS. Dam site selection considers rainfall patterns, slopes, land use, soil types, and drainage density. The study uses Elevation Area Capacity (EAC) curves to view potential reservoirs. The map divides areas into High, Moderate, and Low suitability. This analysis yields some sites where R4 is impressive for its suitability and storage capacity of 358,237 at 2080 m. R1 and R2 are promising with moderate suitability and large storage capacities of 121,346 and 271,964, respectively. These sites are more than numbers on a map they represent local aspirations. Their benefits include electricity, flood protection, irrigation, and drinking water. Small dams are progress catalysts with low maintenance and political support. This study concludes that socioeconomic and environmental factors should be considered when engineering small dams. This small dam can store water and provide essential services to local communities and economies. These multi-purpose small dams advance water security.


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How to Cite

Kausar, S., Batool, S., Mahmood, S. A., Sarwar, F., Tahir, Z., Samreen Javed, & S M Hassan. (2023). Remote Sensing Assessment of Small Dam Sites in Swat District, Pakistan: Inferences from Water Resource Scenarios. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 5(4), 481–502. Retrieved from

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